Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The fiscal years resolution

It is June, almost the end of the fiscal year. I never make New Years Resolutions but I thought I might try a Fiscal Year Resolution. After much nagging, I am going to try to keep a blog. I recently returned from a hectic trip to California. It started last Thursday at DFW airport waiting for a plane to pass inspection for the flight into San Jose, CA and ended last night at midnight when I finally got home after sitting on the plane in San Jose for nearly 2 hours while they tried to locate a particular wrench so they could fix the engine so that the plane would actually fly! Not really inspiring but at least they were checking things.

Saturday I photographed Francis and Evelyn's wedding at the Our Lady of Peace Church in Santa Clara and the reception at the Historic Del Monte in Sunnyvale. I can't share any photos because I gave all of the memory cards to my friend and fellow photographer Jessica, who is also Francis's brother.

Sunday I was at Evergreen College for the flyball tournament. Always fun. A little bit of excitement as my tent blew over. The breeze did feel nice, though!

Monday I drove up to Davis to pick up Dad and Shirley and take them up to Rocklin. There we had lunch with Renee (my cousin) and Uncle Ray. I also photographed Truman, her new black and tan cocker spaniel who rewarded me by peeing all over me. Just one of the rewards of being a pet photographer. That is why I am always wearing jeans when I work with animals. Between the pee and poop, fur and claws, they are about the only clothes to survive some of these sessions.

As you may have noticed, it is August but this was written in June. I saved it and the previous entry as a draft and couldn't find them until today. So if things are out of order and outdated, I apologize. I just am not yet fluent at blogging. Maybe one of these days, I will join the 21st century.

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